Black Lives Matter.
There are MANY ways to support the rebellions for positive change happening across America. Here are just a few to get started…
(1) Join the Black Lives Matter movement for freedom, liberation and justice to stay informed about protests happening in your community and ways your can support them. blacklivesmatter.com
(2) Make a sign and join the movement in your streets. Bring your friends, your family, your neighbors, your coworkers, your followers with you.
(3) Donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which is bailing out protesters who have been arrested, or a similar fund in your city. You can find a list of funds here: communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory
(4) Donate to the George Floyd Memorial Fund, which was organized by his siblings to cover funeral expenses, legal expenses and to support his beloved 6-yr-old daughter Gianna. https://www.gofundme.com/f/georgefloyd?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=m_pd+share-sheet
(5) Order “How To Be An Antiracist” by Ibram X. Kendi. Read it. Read it again. Teach it to your students. Share it with your neighbors and coworkers. Preach it to your friends and family. Allow it to change you the way all great books should.
(6) Call Minnesota Governor Tim Walz (651) 201-3400 and Attorney General Keith Ellison (651) 296-3353 and ask them to appoint an independent prosecutor to Floyd’s murder case.
(7) If you or your office is ordering food, order from a Black-owned restaurant. You can download @eatOkraTheApp to find Black-owned restaurants in 35 cities across the US.
(8) The next time you’re buying stuff, buy from a Black-owned business. You can visit webuyblack.com to find Black-owned businesses across the US.
(9) Challenge yourself to only re-tweet, re-gram and re-post Black voices. I’ll follow up with a list of those who educate, inform, and inspire me every day.
(10) We all have a role to play in this work for a more just and equitable tomorrow. Take some time to examine how your strengths, your history and your current role in your community can serve the mission. Then examine how you can do even more.
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